Case Study

Sequence documents fully digitized


Find out how ekko completely digitized the sequence documents of a large company, thereby preventing delays and increasing transparency.

The success story:

Digital sequence documents for full transparency and efficiency. Find out how our solution has minimized errors and optimized work processes.

The Problem:

The correct and punctual delivery of related components is an important and sensitive factor in the supply chain. The problem lay in the manual processing of sequence documents for these components. The use of paper-based documents led to confusion and delays in sequencing and delivery. Manual processing was prone to errors, leading to uncertainty and potential supply chain disruptions.

Before ekko:

❌ Delays due to manual errors

❌ Lack of process transparency

The ekko solution:

ekko has completely digitized this manual process. Instead of paper-based documents, ekko has equipped the sequencing trolleys and shelves with a large ePaper display that shows the entire sequencing bill. By linking the ekko instances between suppliers and OEMs, the document is updated seamlessly and across locations.

This solution not only creates transparency about the status and location of the components, but also enables efficient feedback to the leading system as soon as sequencing is complete and the components are ready for collection.

With ekko:

✅ Automatic updating of the sequence document

Full transparency with analytics functions

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